আমরা এইমাত্র খবর পেলাম, সৌদি আরবে ৮ বাঙালির শিরোচ্ছেদের প্রতিবাদে কাল ১২ তারিখ বেলা ১১টায় বাংলাদেশের সৌদি দূতাবাসের সামনে বিক্ষোভ সমাবেশের আয়োজন করেছে ছাত্র-শিক্ষক-পেশাজীবি সাধারণ জনতা।

ঢাকাস্থ সৌদি দূতাবাসের ঠিকানা রোড: ৯২, গুলশান: ২, সৌদি দূতাবাস ঢাকা ।
(Road No. 92, Gulshan 02, Saudi Embassy).

এই বিক্ষোভে সর্বস্তরের জনগণের অংশগ্রহণ কামনা করা হচ্ছে । ঢাকা এবং পার্শ্ববর্তী এলাকায় অবস্থিত মুক্তমনা সদস্যদের এই বিক্ষোভে অংশ নেয়ার আহবান জানানো হচ্ছে।

সৌজন্য: আনিস রায়হান

প্রবাসীদের এই পিটিশনে সাক্ষর করার অনুরোধ জানানো হচ্ছে-

Please take a quick moment to sign this petition against the barbaric practice of beheading in Saudi Arabia.

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Make Saudi Arabia list the names of those who are on Death Row

Saudi Arabia is a country that is notorious for its deviation from judicial norms. Amongst the government’s most egregious practices is the use of public beheading as punishment for a variety of crimes, including: murder, drug trafficking, rape, armed robbery repeated drug use, apostasy, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery.

We believe, in solidarity with the UN General Assembly, that the use of the death penalty, in any form, undermines human dignity, and are convinced that the halt of this practice contributes to the enhancement and progressive development of Human Rights. There is no conclusive evidence that the death penalty has any deterrent value, and any miscarriage or failure of justice in the death penalty’s implementation is irreversible and irreparable.

Furthermore, capital punishment as practiced in Saudi Arabia is uniquely grotesque. A large percentage of those condemned to execution in the Kingdom are foreign nationals. The accused typically lack proper legal representation, and are frequently unaware of the nature of the charges against them.

Recently 10 persons, including 8 Bangladeshi migrant workers were beheaded in Riyadh. Although the charges of murder and robbery were levied against them in 2007, no news of the situation was made public until after the execution was completed. This unacceptable level of secrecy is part and parcel with the larger miscarriage that is the Saudi judicial system. There are at least 100 persons currently on Death Row in Saudi Arabia, as well as 5 Bangladeshi nationals. There identities are not publicly known.

This petition is important because no effort can be made to stay the executions of those on death row in Saudi Arabia until their names and the nature of the crimes are made publicly available. If the UN resolution mandating a moratorium of state executions has any meaning, then the Saudi government must release the names of those whom it has condemned to die.


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